Friday, April 13, 2012

And So it Begins . . .

6:15 am, Friday . . . 13 April, 2012
1st weekday morning ride of the year

Tim:  It's OK . . . really, it is

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!   6:00 am, back by 7:45
M,W,F at "the CHURCH,"
T,TH corner of Superior & Lester River Rd

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just to Keep Things Clear

and you guys think this job is easy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Right concept . . .

Confused:  Thinking that on Easter you dress like an Easter Egg . . . 
Peter shows us his new kit . . .

Sunday, April 8, 2012

So We Decided to Go for a Ride One Day

And this is what happened:

Russ looked studley, as always
We met Sean
(He can ride fast . . . )

We rode cobbles
(who needs Paris - Roubaix anyway!)
Rich, in his never ending search
for lightness . . .
Cleverly decides 
He no longer needs this part
 . . . and . . .
Russ pushes him home
I guess he needs that part

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What's makin' Us so Happy?

The warm weather?
All these people on a Wednesday?
Wayne's shorts
(from behind?)
Eric showin' up from the West End?
NOPE . . . It's . . . 
New Shoes on the Wrong Feet!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to YOU!

To Who?
no . . . not over there . . .
It's not either of these folks (but "HI JAMES!!)
Could it be one of these guys?
nope . . . they look too grouchy
nope . . . and if it was, they wouldn't even know it
Can't possibly be him . . . 
How is it that his face is almost the same color as his shirt?
(what's up with that?)
How 'bout one of these people?
(never mind the arms on the left)
I don't think so . . .
Me thinks it is this one!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


NINE of us showed to ride in the heavy fog . . .  in March
that: ERIC joined us for the entire 90 miles!
that: we found JOE after losing him last week!
that: RUSS is still trying to be like Gary Fischer with his 'stach
that: WE stayed together all the way to Knife River
that: WE were able to ride at all, after losing this part!
that: WE rode 27.6 seconds after the Mocha Moose until Tim flats
TIM:  "now whatta I do?"
DAVE: "I dunno . . ."
" . . .  ask Jim . . ."
ERIC: "Let's change the tube"

TIM; "hey . . .  just for the heck of it, let's rip the valve stem off, and do it again!"
ERIC:  "yeah . . . OK . . . in fact, after we do it again, let's discover that the rim is bent . . . and won't keep the tire on"
JOE and DAVE:  (note silence . . . )
that: 35 miles later . . . Joe falls asleep on his bike
(** FYI:  Joe is an ornithologist and an ophthalmologist**)
(please note correct spelling of: ophthalmologist)
"the BOYS" somewhere on the 15+ mile climb from Two Harbors
(yes, it really is a 15+ mile climb)
that: there was this much snow crossing the divide

that: WE made it to Hugo's
that: Rich has a new basket on his bike