Saturday, June 19, 2010

Four CRAZY riders?

Four brave souls met this morning at 5:00 for a fun, spirited ride to the Mocha Moose.  Thanks to Deb for interjecting just a bit of sanity ...  heck, 5:00 is just about as crazy as 4:00!
And thanks to Chris and Dave for coming along.  Who would have thought we could find four people willing to meet so early?
First stop . . . the Duluth BOMARC missle base.  Many long time Duluthian's don't even know it exists.  You know that red and white water tower you see somewhere on the Berquist Rd?  Well, that's it.
The base is long deactivated (ca 1972), but this is what the missiles looked like
A couple of links for those interested:
Let me think . . . oh yeah, from there it was off to the Mocha Moose!
Where Chris showed us his true form
Tim Ek joined us for coffee after dropping Amy off for the marathon (GO AMY!!)
See if you can guess which guy gave Tim a lecture on race nutrition:
(Tim conceded it is simply easier to drink pickle juice or suck mustard packets, although neither of these lobbies have cool riding kit)
The rest of us just enjoyed Mocha Moose coffee and caramel rolls
Before our paceline inspired ride home
It's a great thing when you can ride just over 50 miles, and be home around 8:00!


  1. Nice call on the nutrition lecture. I was so shocked when the lecturer mentioned--five or six times in 10 minutes--that he's a triathlete.

  2. I thought he was at the Moose with Tim and that he knew Rich. Of course, this misconception is completely forgivable: ALMOST everyone does know Rich. Thanks for the ride Chris, Dave and Rich!

  3. Looks like it was a fun morning. I managed to get 30 mi in on the new roads of Howard Gn to Emerson (bumpy) to Lavaque to Schultz Lake Rd. Nice to get out there and explore on a day like today. Thanks for the pics Rich.

    Shar Valentine

  4. Thanks for the ride; I managed to get to work on time!
